been a developer for 8 years (after college) and its somehow just dawned on me that no, architecture is not you projects folder structure :/

  • 3
    At end of my 2 years of commercial experience, I already went thorough books:
    Head First Design patterns
    Unit testing best principles and practices
    Test driven development by code beck
    Robert Martin and Clean Code
    Robert Martin and Clean Architecture
    Going through docs for Porto architecture pattern
    Book From Monolith to Microservices
    And book Building microservices
    Code complete by McConnel

    They are all in some big or smaller are related to code architecture... Finally started summarised knowledge to merge in my mind about it.

    Plus, learning infrastructure as a code tools, and SRE/DevOps related stuff influence infrastructure, and to which code architecture u wish to stick for horizontal scaling

    Wishing to read book Building Event Driven Architecture in addition. And haven't read book Refactoring from Fowler yet.
    And having in curriculum more books to read
    Pet projects to practice
  • 5
    Wtfself indeed.

    That's right up there with devs who avoid regex for years because they're terrified of it. Only to find one day it's not so scary and super helpful.
  • 2
    Wait, it's not?
  • 1
    @sariel i find myself encountering this A LOT. I have a lot to work on
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