
I feel dumb as a programmer sometimes.

  • 2
    Yeah.. me too.
  • 4
    Get used to it and don't get stuck with that... most probably you will (and should) always learn more and feel dumb.
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    @Haxk20 Sweet! I feel like I'm twice your age (I'm so not) with less than half your exp. Thanks!
  • 3
    Missing semicolon, bracket, wrong escaping... We all feel stupid at some point. But don't forget most ppl can't even program ;)
  • 4
    I feel dumb because i do robotics mainly in C/C++ and linux while everyone here does web development html, css, js...
    I'm learning though :)
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    you're definitely not the only one...
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    We feel ya
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    I actually feel it all the time.
  • 2
    We always do
    But should that dumb awesome not like garbage 👍
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    I try to think that if I /don't/ feel dumb, then I'm not learning, thus whatever I'm doing is potentially redundant...typically succeeds in making me crawl out of that headspace
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    I think if you don't feel dumb you're probably doing something wrong.
    There will always be more to learn
  • 1
    So much love here!!!
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