Apple, please roll out the latest Safari to older iOS versions at last! Don't let it stay the new Internet Explorer making us web developers mad about obscure issues that customers face having to use outdated browsers, overshadowing any joy about your latest achievements.

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    Just ignore old iOS versions. If there is an OS that lets you do that, it‘s iOS! No other OS has that few users of older versions.
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    @Lensflare current bug ticket: "prevent cart checkout button disappearing under virtual keyboard in iOS Safari on iPhone 8".

    Turns out that newser iPhones have a similar problem. Now the address bar appears at top: 0 instead of bottom: 0 of the screen, but it still diminishes the available height below 100% / 100vh! Utter bullshit, and not even consistent across devices and Safari versions.

    All of this is quite similar to Microsoft Internet Explorer, only difference that Microsoft allowed real alternative browsers (using alternative browser engines) which Apple does not.
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