
Anyone else have this, seems like you can do double the work in late night pm/am than in day am/pm..

And I'm starting my internship next week.. gotta be a morning person now :/

  • 2
    Welcome to my world, it's called DSPS.
  • 4
    I've been in this situation, but after being at this company for nearly a year now I just got into the habit of working both at day and night, but since I have to get up at 5am, I've had to sacrifice my night time coding :(

    Good luck to you!
  • 1
    Did you mean DSPD: Delayed Sleep-Ohase Disorder? Cause I have that too!
  • 1

    Wow! Yes! It's called Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome here though... but yes.. fucks up my life big time.. I sleep around 6 in the morning and wake up around 15:00... I have a job now where I need to start at 10:00, it's a hell for me. I've decided that the only viable option for me is freelance, so thats what I am trying to achieve now. How do you handle it?
  • 1
    I worked swing shift for a while (work 15:00~23:30, fall asleep about 04:00 until 13:00). I have since quit that job and been working a 09:00~18:00 job which has helped a little; I now wake up before 12:00 on weekends, but I still feel dead tired at work, as I'm not usually tired until 01:00.

    tl;dr - I'm not handling it at all, haha
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    Goodluck with all that bro! There is an active Facebook group called "DSPS (Delayed-Sleep-Phase-Syndrome)". It's a nice community with some helpful tips and enough ranting about getting up early :)
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    Helpful posts guys. Thanks
    I'm still struggling lol , one day I wake up at 6, (was not supposed to), then at 7.30 , & it seemed like I can do this.

    Today I woke up at 1!! , Well I woke up a bit around 6 , seems like if sleep is disturbed , then I oversleep...
    I'm hoping a fixed schedule would work better since the job is 9-5
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