
I'm bored.

Waiting on people to answer and on software to finish running ... again.
What do?
I've started viewing CMake tutorials on YT, played that interactive git 'game', read some SO topics and archWiki entries.
Just struggling with concentration and getting myself to wanting to concentrate.
Oh and I'm almost finished with XKCD

Any tips how to spend waiting time useful but interesting/catching?

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    You read all of xkcd?! .. I'm .. sorry.

    There are like, several xkcd sucks blogs now, but the original (I think it was xkcd-sucks) was one of the better ones. I stopped reading xkcd a long time ago.

    I'd suggest reading sinfest instead. Start from the most recent ones. There were a few years where he went super off the rails, but everything he rights now is amazing and spot on.
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    Start doing Android development. Things get deprecated pretty quick anda people seem to always working with experimental or deprecated. Adventure all the time.
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    Git game?🧐
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    also I've remembered overthewire.org/wargames
    which someone on here once recommended.
    Is very nice, though not necesarry skills I'm interested in (although 'bandit' is a nice SysAdm tutorial)
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    @Jedidja making this thread my own reference then:

    hackthebox and tryhackme are in a similar vein. I really like the format but I don't really see much of a point for me to learn CyberSec.

    So I discovered CodeWars. This looks quite promising, has different languages. I need to look into it

    hackerrank is also a thing I have to check out. The recruting thing sounds like a possible red flag.

    Nice thing for me is that they all combine learning with (hopefully) being fun while also looking like I'm legit working - especially the CLI based ones
    (regarding that last point I could also go back to playing a MUD like LastOutpost or Lensmoor as long as nobody looks to close ;D)
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    @Jedidja how about contributing to open source projects?
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