Glassdoor gave Zuru the names of the bad reviewers, what a (non-)surprise!

Not glassdoor’s “fault” as it was forced to, but… hey, it was to be expected when you bind a review to an account 🤫

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    Whats zuru in nutshell?
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    Tse ruled that New Zealand’s defamation laws are the relevant ones in this case, and ordered that Glassdoor hand over identifying information.

    Did you timetravel?
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    Welp, I did something wild and crazy. I made a comment on Newsweek's site after I read some puff piece about Prince Harry and his handler doing 'work.' I wrote the only work they know about is the plastic surgeon's.

    Know how fucking paranoid they and their goons are, I awaited my front door to be knocked down because leaving the comment meant my IP address could be located. I am, however, happy to say, the only negative effect was one thousand copies of "The Bench" billed to my American Express black card. That's racist.
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    @AnxiousADHDGuy big company with bad reviews

    @aviophile well yeah my bad it was “just” ruled so they didn’t deliver the infos already… am I missing something or they have no choice but to do so?

    @bols59 Ip and Mac can be masked or spoofed
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    @piratefox it's too late. I'm fucked. ha ha
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