So this software student is wondering if the masters on this app know about a good project during summer that I could collaborate virtually and get some experience?

I am interested in app development, web dev, really like SQL too, but any other subject would do.

Sorry if this question was asked before but I cant seem to find one, and I dont know when to even start.

No internships where i live :/

  • 1
    Search for startups
  • 1
    Find a good opeb source project that can use your help, and do some work with them. make sure your contribution is public to the web.
  • 0
    I want to learn Angular2 or Reactjs framework and how to work in a group (always worked solo). If anyone is interested we could find a topic and make the web and mobile app using Angular2 or Reactjs.
  • 0
    Learn Ruby on Rails (Google Rails Tutorial) and/or Laravel (Laracasts is good)
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