I have an idea. Since to statistics of Porn watchers are increasing. Why not we create a sex toy that generates energy when user masturbate with it?

Renewable energy.

  • 2
    How about sex toy that stimulates according to the video content
  • 4
    And we could hook them up to the power network and sell electricity generated with our HARD WORK for others. To run fridges, smarthouses, industry,...

    Vibrators could be powering the world.

    I like the idea. Smart.

    P.S. If we could sell this electricity, would we be sex workers?
  • 2
    The next Matrix movie…
  • 3
    You could.combine the idea of a dynamo with a sex toy.

    But honestly, whoever masturbates that much that the generated energy is useful.... Has serious problems. Like really really serious problems.
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