Couple weeks ago I asked for luck on my Spanish AP test... We got our results back yesterday... I got a 4!

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    Is a 4 good?
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    @jonas-w 4/10 means "wouldn't bang".
  • 4
    AP tests are graded on a scale of 1-5. 3 and above is passing. 3 is like C or B-, 4 is like B or A-, 5 is like an A or A+.
  • 0

    Germany rates from 1 - best to 6 - fail.

    1 - excellent / outstanding
    2 - good
    3 - satisfactory
    4 - fair / pass
    5 - Insufficient
    6 - Fail

    6 / Fail meaning either you cheated and got caught or that your knowledge is so lacking that in foreseeable future the necessary knowledge cannot be learned.

    5 / Insufficient - you can learn the necessary knowledge in the foreseeable future, but it's still a fail.

    1 - 4 means you passed.
  • 1
    @IntrusionCM guess I'm not moving to Germany until after high school lol
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