Hot take: It's not a bug. You just wrote a broken program.

  • 3
    But, that's what a bug is :(
  • 1
    A bug is the atom of difference between a broken program and a correct one.
  • 2
    No idea what the atom of difference could be, it just sounded cool.
  • 1
    @lbfalvy imo atom of difference would be a character
  • 0
    @netikras for regular text lyes, but code carries more information and the similarity of samples may be distributed differently. I'd say that swapping two neighboring lines is less of a change than changing which function is being called on one of them.
  • 0
    My buddies said that was not a bug, that was new feature 🙄🙄
  • 0
    Wouldn’t the atom just be a bit
  • 0
    @Earu Except that semantically very similar programs which are one IDE action away from each other would be placed very far apart if we used this metric of difference.
  • 0
    @Earu @netikras Bits or characters as a metric of difference also have the awful property of not being able to handle numerical distance very well; 99 is closer to 09 than to 100
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