
This is my first php code ever written, nice to look back.

  • 3
    All my early code is stored on 5.25" floppies and will never be seen by anyone (Which is a good thing, it is way worse than yours)
  • 2
    Lol random dutch variable name "gemiddelde"
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    @sho3k I'm dutch and failed keeping it 100% english, helaas.
  • 1
    Dude where's the indentation? xD You may as well have written it all on one line 😂
  • 3
    God I remember PHP....
    My first love but I replaced it for a younger sportier model (Java)...

    Still.... Maybe I should take her out to coffee or something... Heard she's gotten a makeover and looking prettier than ever 😎
  • 1
    @rwolder... "Gemiddelde"
  • 1
    Always nice to see fellow Dutch-men (and Dutch-women) here!!
  • 1
    Echoing "id" in a while loop 😮 you are terrifying
  • 1
    Validate the post probably
  • 0
    It looks like you have a bug; summing up the values of the array in each iteration if the loop instead of once after the loop. But for the love of everything that has any value to anyone do not write code in the same line as a closing curly brace, that's just begging for bugs.
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