😂😂...When u get it

  • 3
    Seems legit 😏
  • 20
    Chrome doesn't want more speed, just more ram
  • 8
    In all fairness, edge is actually good.
  • 1
    @gxs007 yes edge is. But internet explorer wasn't
  • 2
    @dontbeevil i haven't seen any jokes about edge. They all are based of internet explorer
  • 4
    "when you get it?" who the hell wouldn't get it? It's pretty damn obvious and an old joke.
    Plus, that image has been posted 100 times already, use the app to rant, not to post images from "funny" sites
  • 0
    @eeeddr wow...What a dick 😂...Calm your nerves Dumbo. If i saw it i wouldnt have posted. So called smart ass. I need to write something so i just posted "if you get it"...Sue me when i post "funny" pics. Go read idiot. You use this place to blow off steam and that includes jokes, rants and whatever the fuck you want...Feel like a man now when you said that ? 😂 Go fuck yourself idiot or better yet go with your attitude to whoever the fuck got you mad because your opinion surely isn't needed her. I guess you are so smart enough to feel everyone has seen this pic before.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil I have been here for barely a month and i didn't see it. Sometimes reposts are necessary because of new members. Yes they might be boring for you but the OP might not know. You all aren't Google. You don't know and have seen eveyething. Not even Google has. If you have seen it just ignore and stop making the community hostile for others.
  • 1
    @dontbeevil ahhh..👍But still..I luv a gud joke.
  • 2
    Something is wrong, safari is too fast in this comic. 🤔
  • 1
    @pheonixlegend you could just tone down a bit and control your language, that would be good
  • 0
  • -1
    @sam9669 sorry about it but these know it all people clearly deserve it.
  • -1
    @pheonixlegend you've been here 5 seconds; obviously you don't understand how much we hate reposts here.

    Spend some more time lurking and maybe you'll understand. I'm not going to waste anymore time trying to explain to you why myself and others are annoyed.

    Have a good day.
  • 0
    @brettmoan And to this i say...Go on and hate 😁...I still don't care about you or the others. If you and the others had posted civilised comments you would have gotten a civilised response but i guess you all feel you own this place anyways so go away.
  • 0
    @brettmoan i have seen many reposts here since i got here. You don't see me thrashing those posts with stupid comments either. I try not to do the same and so if i do it's because i haven't seen them. And am sorry i don't know all what has been posted on here before 😩
  • 0
    That escalated quickly
  • 0
    @KingSolo 😁 0 to a 100...Real quick
  • 1
    Oh wow, you got salty quickly. Nah mate, you know nothing about the community and instead of insulting the members, you could actually learn something from the critics done to your post. Have a nice day 😊
  • 0
    @eeeddr Haha...I don't care really. I have seen lots of these reposts comments since i came here. Again i tried to avoid posting one. I did. It only shows people can even if they don't want to. We are all humans but you people act like you know everything and you responded rudely so i only gave you back what you intiated.
  • 1
    It usually is about the repost, not this time, not here at least.
    My point was that, not only this image, but this joke in general, has been posted to a crap load of websites and/or communities and general. You'd imagine a dev only community is pretty tired and sick of those kinds of jokes, no?

    And you just started bashing and insulting on anybody that disagreed with you. You might use the "but they insulted me first!" argument, but you don't have to be like the others 😉
  • 1
    @eeeddr Haha...Scram..Go away...I accept..quit trying to be smart. Am way too tired of this post now anyways. I just want to lay down and play my Football manager handheld in peace 🤣
  • 0
    Quit trying to be smart?
    Oh boy, go be a troll somewhere else please
  • 0
    @eeeddr let it go !!! That time i was only messing with you. Nothing more 🤣...It came from a good spot
  • 0
    @pheonixlegend you got called out for not only reposting an old picture, but one that had gone the rounds ALOT. On top of that your comment on said picture was idiotic. (it implied the joke in the picture took time to "get". It doesn't its obvious af.) your reply was "go FUCK yourself idiot"

    You're in the wrong here. And enjoy this notif.
  • 0
    @brettmoan this is why no one likes you Brett 😁😁😁
  • 0
    @pheonixlegend lol kk troll. W/e you want to tell yourself. When you defend yourself with "go FUCK yourself idiot" against people who point out that you are as annoying af it's you who is at fault.
  • 0
    @brettmoan ok you win Brett. Happy now ? 😁
  • 1
    @pheonixlegend I take it I'm interrupting your football manager XD
  • 0
    @brettmoan nope...My coding session this time 😀 you php and java are giving me a tough time
  • 0
    Looks like the troll is now being trolled. Hahaha
  • 0
    @KingSolo Lolz. Go away Solomon 😁
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