
Hey, I want to install Linux distribution for my notebook, I hear Fedora and OpenSuse are good, any suggestions?

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    I used to use Crunchbang a few years back on a notebook and it was great on low powdered hardware. Especially with a Debian base it was compatible with everything... It was discontinued, but as with all things Linux there were successors.
  • 2
    Of the two listed I'd go with OpenSuse. If you're new to Linux and using it on a notebook, then Linux Mint XFCE or Manjaro might be the perfect fit for you.
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    Mint or Debian or Antergos/archLinix.
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    I personally love fedora. Appart from Gnome desktop, I always use Fedora Cinnamon.

    Great package manager, distro upgrade easy, up to date packages, only problem is you may need to change base boot options from one with nomodeset to modeset to have the good resolution on laptops.
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    @l0nd0n I am French, OpenSuse is French, don't code on OpenSuse, code on Fedora and deploy to OpenSuse or RedHat, please. OpenSuse has great LTS, butt fedora is better for developers
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    Surprised nobody mentioned Ubuntu .
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    No. I've tried ubuntu.
    I hate it with a burning passion.
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