Listen, I get you're a junior.

But please read the fucking spec I spent quite some time on writing for you before you ask me a bunch of irrelevant questions, which you know would be irrelevant IF YOU READ THE SPEC!

Trust me.

Read the spec.

It will be clear.

  • 9
    Buutttt! It lonnnnnng and borriiinnnggggggg!

    Can we just make assumptions and/or ask you instead?

  • 1
    I don't have a problem with people asking dumb questions as long as they are relevant or they've searched it on google first and just want some clarification.
  • 1
    @fullstackclown attention whores get detention.
  • 1
    I wouldn't mind to read it if that was true.

    The spec I'm currently following has changed countless times in last 4 months.

    At least in my company, I don't trust specs anymore
  • 0
    If the spec isn't a comment right above the code in question, chances are that it is outdated.
  • 1
    Its the jitters man
    When you're new somewhere or new to any field you're abnormally afraid of fucking up and want to know what will gain approval so you ask dumb questions sometimes
  • 1
    Course you could be like some bosses I've heard of and have a spec handed to you that tells you absolutely nothing
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