

  • 12
    If you believe that yeah
  • 1
    I do not believe it, after used Chrome since it came it I am convinced that is sucks.
  • 2
    I have not, but I think Chrome has very nice webdev tools (webkit), Opera has them too and I think it is also much faster and stable browser
  • 2
    Does it crash with 400 tabs open? ;)
  • 2
    Real or alternative facts ...

    Though I don't like chrome/google/alphabet because they do extensive user behaviuor tracking.
  • 1

    I also keep a good eye on the CVE's that are reported, and Chrome is not uncommon.
    Every adobe product is showing up everday thou ^^
  • 0
    I will take a look :)
  • 0
    Muggles use computers too, you know?
  • 0
    I only see 81 [Chrome vulnerabilities](https://cvedetails.com/vulnerabilit...)
  • 0

    I was just about to post this!
  • 0
    @rusty-hacker they keep it all in house so what's your problem?
  • 0
    It is not about sucks. It is about popularity of browsers
  • 0
    if it is on the web It must be right. especially since they made an infographic...
  • 0
    Couldn't that be due to chrome being the most poplaur.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil well, if there are slides on scribd, then it *must* be true. The question here, as always, is not how many holes were found, or how many were fixed, or how long it took to fix them. It is about the next weaponized large chain RCE zeroday.
  • 2
    @Admim well, the fact that x number of people + y number of hackers know that I read devRant for 5 mins + listen to 30 mins news on Radio on my android app before going to sleep on day x, y, z and take route L to work on certain time, is just creepy.
    This is my life, my information, and I just don't know how it could be used in the near or far future.

    Will they somehow convince me to grow a third penis on my head 30 years from now based on this data ....

    It just doesn't seem right that they can do so much based my data to profit themselves with much less contribution to the society as a whole. Don't get me started on that they are contrib to the society, because yes they do, but that all serves the end goal of increasing the profit margines or market share.
  • 0
    @rusty-hacker there's a funny little setting called location data. If you're that paranoid. Turn it off
  • 1
    That does not help you :)
  • 0
  • 1
    @Admim What does that have to do with paranoia? Some people just want control over their (location) data
  • 0
    @rusty-hacker This. Exactly this.
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