Learning Python first before learning SQL is a fucking joke...

its like learning to run before learning to walking...

my bootcamp kinda sucks

  • 8

    I do not think many devs start out learning SQL.

    Some other high level language is almost always first unless your studying to a DB engineer or similar.
  • 3
    Learning py before sql absolutely makes sense
  • 0
    I learned sql first (wasn't for dev at the time) and I think it's a shame that sql tends to be treated as a bit of an afterthought. Very high level languages are a lot easier to pick up, so I think it makes more sense to start there and get lower level as you get comfortable... But I know that's not going to be a popular opinion lol
  • 3
    You can learn anything before learning SQL and it won't make any difference, they are completely different skills.
  • 5
    Learning Python vs learning Sql is like learning to drive a car vs learning to sail a boat. 2 almost completely different things.
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    @ostream that is true.

    But SQL has grown that you can add procedures to it. Using PL/SQL you can write code in a database.
  • 3
    "Learning to cook before learning to clean the house is a fucking joke..."
  • 0
    Apples to oranges imho
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    @Grumm add c code instead.
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    How do you expect to keep new people addicted to code feedback with So-Much-Words Query Language when simple janky neighborhood hero python is there?

    I'm not joking, you have to explain concepts like table and CRUD before the first code in sql, where as you can just write print "hello" + name and be happy
  • 1
    Python is a shit beginner language because it teaches clueless newbies not to care about the shape of data, when in fact the purpose of duck typing is to not have to write out the obvious when writing quick scripts or proof-of-concepts. Typos are also something you should not be dealing with when learning to program, so you need a language that tells you about all the stupid errors so you can focus on semantics.

    SQL is a shit beginner language because by the nature of the problem the language has fuckall to do with what's happening, and while a semi-exoerienced dev has the intuition to imagine indices, trees, tries and their corresponding costs and benefits behind it, the newbie will just wonder why all data isn't indexed automatically. Its errors are also awful, in part because the syntax is utterly disgusting and completely conceals the relationship between the instructions.
  • 1
    I for one would recommend C#, it's type safe, has nice errors, the syntax is decent, it's fast, has a good STL, and there's Unity if you need instant gratification to be able to learn anything.
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