
So... In the mood for a new lang...

Mainly Java developer but have done Scala, Python lately and a bunch in the past (C, PHP, little js, HTML5).

Thinking of .Net or node js ATM...

I'd welcome any ideas :)

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    C or C++ to get a better understanding of memory stuff
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    I don't know how the current market is in Greece, but in Norway most dev jobs either require proficiency in .NET MVC and C# or a JS framework like React or Angular.
    My suggestion would be one of those routes :)

    I've just started learning .NET MVC and C#, and the whole concept of MVC and OOP is quite different to writng static "top-to-bottom" rendering pages. Still trying to wrap my head around it :P
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    I know c# so i tried node and turned to be super cool... but I would suggest ASP.NET MVC5
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