Writing a dot and trying out every interesting function autocomplete gave me

  • 5
    That was my approach with C#.NET back in the days
  • 3
    @qbasic16 I was learning VB.NET, but now I am using c#
  • 5
    That's the real way to do it xD
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    @Krokoklemme amirite? Who needs documentation when you have intellisense
  • 4
    I'm currently trying to connect to an undocumented API in C# and I do this constantly just to see what attributes I can manipulate on these vendor supplied custom objects. The names don't always indicate what they do and I'm literally just trying things to see what throws an exception.
  • 4
    @AptFox I feel you, undocumented or badly documented APIs are the worst
  • 2
    @AptFox that's me trying to work with AvalonDock ^^
  • 1
    Currently I am working on an app that's supposed to connect to an OMR, the api documentation is in written in a very bad English as if it's translated by Google Translate. And the samples were buggy and threw exceptions
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    @encrypt0r Was it somehow outsourced to india or somewhere else?
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    @qbasic16 Actually the OMR is from a big Japanese corporation
  • 1
    Said no JS programmer ever :/
  • 0
    I did that too while learning (list in) python
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