  • 3
    I write on my walls
  • 3
    i write on my hand
  • 2
    None of the above.
    I use vim :)
  • 4
    I write my COBOL on clay tablets.
  • 2
    Atom my dudes.
  • 2
    "Cave walls" is missing
  • 2
    I punch my code in. Don't need no fancy keyboard.
  • 4
    I write on my breadboard
  • 2
    I write on all the padded sides of my insanity cell.
  • 1
    what about "The dirt on the ground abd a stick"?
  • 0
  • 6
    I manually flip bits
  • 1
  • 9
    Real programmers use butterflies. We open our hands, let the butterflies flap once. The disturbance ripples outward, changing the flow of the eddy currents in the atmosphere, causing momentary pockets of high-pressure air to form and act as lenses that deflect incoming cosmic rays, focusing them to hit the hard drive platter and flip the desired bit.

    Pic related
  • 1
    Atom ?
  • 1
  • 0
    @No-one Still you waste paper by making airplanes. 👍👌
  • 2
    I manually turn single bits on the hard drive platter in such a way as to create usable software in the end and also defragment the hdd while I'm at it.
  • 3
    I use a series of leopard skins and snake entrails to calculate what should be presented on my display, which is electrified pine needles that shock water droplets which are arranged on a palm branch.
  • 1
    Atom and proud
  • 1
    Only one here that uses brackets??

    Cmon, plugins + turns on in 1 second = better than notepad++...

    They even have lisp highlighter!!!
  • 0
    @core i havent heard of plugins+
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