Who was the first person to learn to Read?

How did he/she learned if nobody knew?

How did the person knew it was reading if he/she never read before?

Going back to the egg and the chicken 🤔

  • 3
    Not sure if you are being sarcastic or not, but to just simply give a somewhat logical explanation to your "problem":

    1. People first learned to speak

    2. when sufficient time had gone by--
    (That is, when groups of people felt the need as a whole to acquire better communication)
    --some "chosen" ones sat down and invented written "descriptions" of communications.

    3. These chosen were then, in most cases, instructed to teach others their newfound knowlegde.

    Ofcourse, this can have its downsides, because the result from different groups of chosen could conflict..

    And as such..today's World ;)
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