Them new fangled MacBook Airs sure do look good. And this new version of MacOS looks tempting too. 🤔

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    dont be foolish. Get yourself a linux machiene
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    @joewilliams007 I have a Dell XPS developer edition. But I have to admit the new Macs are sexy 😏
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    What did they change exactly?

    I could see no difference except they made the edges bit more rounded.
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    @gogokun Adding back what they took away, how innovative.
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    @deadlyRants soon they'll add a 3.5mm to iPhone and the femboys will go bonkers with this innovation.
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    I got an M1 iMac last year. It’s an absolute joy to work on. So fast and the OS is superb. I use Nova as my code editor (panic.com) and the Affinity suite. The new air is M2 chip it’ll be like super fast. Plus they last forever. No-one makes products to this standard. I’ll just wait now for all the haters.
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    @joewilliams007 Is that the best you can do? wAnkr
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