Really wish the likes of JetBrains would hurry up and offer an LSP server for every language. I'm categorically not interested in using PHPstorm because my RSI makes it impractical but I'd be happy to shell out for an LSP I can use with Neovim

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    Next you want is a personal butt wiper, I guess?
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    I should clarify here that I mean for every language they currently support, not for every language ever
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    That would be fantastic, would definitely pay for a Kotlin extension for VS Code
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    Have a look at TabNine.

    It's not a Language Server/Smartness per-say, but uses AI model to offer autocomplete.

    Really amazing, works on every language (even text/md files), and has plugins for most IDEs including Vim.
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    @Nihil75 Tried it, didn't like it. I do use Copilot now, which is similar, but I find better, at least for what I do
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    what is RSI?
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    @Midnight-shcode Repetitive Strain Injury. In my case, it was caused by years spent using really crap keyboards and mice with badly written Windows XP applications that had poor support for keyboard shortcuts, in a previous unrelated career.

    Symptoms differ depending on the specific nature of your injury, but in my case the way it manifests is that when I use the mouse a lot my hand starts to get tired very quickly, then develops cramping pains. As a result I have to keep my use of the mouse to a minimum. Chording-style keyboard shortcuts where you have to use multiple keys at once are also a bit dodgy, though more tolerable.
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    @matthewbdaly look at you with a fancy invite to copilot!! :D

    Can't wait to try it. the plagiarism engine of dreams.

    EDIT: OH SHIT I have an invite!!!! why didn't I check sooner :P
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    @matthewbdaly oh, rsi.
    nothing more than expansion of the acronym was needed. thanks
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