
Question, is SQL pronounced S.Q.L. or SeQuaL?

  • 1
    I pronounce it sequel.
  • 5
    I think it is supposed to be pronounced "sequel" but everyone I talk to says "S.Q.L".
  • 1
    Phonetically : da-də-bās
  • 1
    As with anything with SQL, it depends.

    S.Q.L. for the language.
    Sequel for Microsoft SQL Server or PL/SQL (PeeEl Sequel)
  • 6
    In Spanish, "esecuele"
  • 15
    Omg. Its S.Q.L. of course. Shoot every monster who pronounces it differently.
  • 1
    I use first option 😂
  • 1
    I once heard a marketeer explain it as "Sorry Qudnt care Less" ... /j
  • 0
    Both are correct :s
  • 1
    I prefer S.Q.L
  • 0
    🎿 you el
  • 1
    What age are you? Chances are this argument is older than you... It always comes down to how...you...learned...it!!
  • 2
    Are we doing this again? *sigh*
    While you're googling the rants on this can you count how many times I wrote what the answer to this (according to creators) is and let me know? Kthxbai :)
    It was originally SEQUEL, then changed to SQL, but people were already used to SEQUEL so they continued calling it sequel even though it was technically S Q L. The different actual implementations, however, have different rules. Microsoft SQL server is sequel, MySQL is My S Q L (although they're fine with you calling it My sequel), etc.
  • 0
    @abr4xas as an Erasmus in Spain, I was confused when the teachers talked about something being "Trouhe"(True).
  • 2
    S.Q.L of course. Haven't ever met the people who claim to pronounce it differently.
  • 1
    Oh boy here we go again...
  • 0
    'Es-Que-El' that's how it's pronounced damit!!! It's a fucking abbreviation not a word!
  • 1
    Oh God, what have I done.
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