

The entire day wasted having to install a new OS to install a new Xcode to export an app, only to find the xcode was installed under a different user (who has long since gone from the company) to then have to look up what to do, to then just sit...........and....................wait.............for Xcode to download again.
And I know when I try to export my app (which had zero problems being exported to Android) I'm going to hit an entire day tomorrow of bug fixing for ios sh...stuff

  • 5
    fastlane on a dedicated minimac can automaticaly build this shit.
  • 3
    @magicMirror any shit can build this shit
  • 4
    I pitty people, including myself, who use Apple products. What a loser life we live.
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  • 4
    @joewilliams007 you're supposed to say "btw I use arch"
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    Anyone who is honestly going to neglect "aPpLe ProDuCts" can go forget about literally 70% of the mobile market share

    What I am trying to say is your wishes are unrealistic
  • 2
    @joewilliams007 interestingšŸ¤“ would you mind sharing, which distribution ?
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    @dder zorin os :)
  • 1
    @fullstackchris uhm what ? ios has 28% Market share. Android has 70%.
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    @fullstackchris Im not neglecting iphone users. That's why I'm in this hell.

    Short update, after leaving my mac on overnight to download the LaTeSt XcOdE I woke up to a rotating loading icon (not the slowly moving download icon, which I saw when I left) ...and this icon....does nothing. I restarted app store, the blue icon is still rotating.

    I rebooted the machine....xcode starts to download again from scratch...fml.
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    @joewilliams007 yeah globally... Check the US and europe stats
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    @magicMirror oooh, now then. This looks interesting, thanks for the info.
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    @fullstackchris to be fair, its a German app. iOS have about a 30% share in the mobile market here. But 30% is still 30% and I endeavour to provide the app to both platforms. Even if I lose my hair over it.
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    Download the dmg. And only wait for the installation time, or tweak system and install again. There should be a bug in the app store for big apps
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    can absolutely relate to that. had to do that too, and probably need to do it again, because a customer suddenly said that 'hey this app youre developing also will need to run on iOS'
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    @thebiochemic it's the anticipation over what error is going to pop up this time that won't work on this ios version that worked perfectly before, and that was never a problem on the Android version.

    Today my Firebase is attempting to run before initialisation (on ios of course) - it was fine on friday and nothing has changed since then, but sure...why not.
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