I hate when I go on stack overflow to find an answer, and all the comments for the correct answer say, "awesome thanks!", "Works perfectly now, thanks!". While I sit staring at my screen feeling like a complete idiot because I don't understand the given answer at all!

  • 6
    Don't forget to flag those comments as "not constructive", by the way 👍
  • 3
    We have all been there...
  • 2
    The people who got it working probably don't understand it. They just yanked the shit and luckily it worked
  • 2
    @aaxa I refuse to just copy and paste code without understanding at least a Lil bit how it works.
  • 2
    Fuck! Thought it was just me
  • 1
    @OutdatedPC It's also a terrible thing to do. You learn exactly nothing
  • 9
    My hobby: Commenting "Wow! Works perfectly!" on random answers.
  • 1
    @michaelarnauts 😂😂😂😂
  • 3
    Or when they have the EXACT same problem as you, but close the question saying "Nvm I got it working." leaving it without an answer.. x.x
  • 3
    @Cyanite that's even worst!
  • 2
    Here's a real thing that happened recently on SO:

    I opened a question.
    I got great feedback.
    My question was flagged as a duplicate.
    I check the 'original', and its NOT EVEN the same thing.

    The 'original' was asking about GETTING the value of an item imbedded several layers deep in a Python dictionary array.

    My question was about SETTING the value of an item several layers deep in a JSON file using a PATH/URL thingy.

    My question was, of course, closed as a duplicate. Though, I did get an answer. X.X

    Edit: And of course, the answer I got was NOT EVEN CLOSE to the answer on the other page because it WASNT THE SAME THING!
  • 3
    @Cyanite SO is a must for programming but I feel like you must be a CS pro to ask or answer questions. About 9 months ago when I first started getting into Android development I went on there thinking it was a noob friendly place where I could just ask questions. Nope! My post received like a -4 rating and I got no answers for my question. Just a couple vague comments. Now I just feel like some type of code voyeur.
  • 2
    I've found that devRant is a great place to ask questions. Just don't go crazy.. People come here to clear their heads, they dont want to see walls of questions.
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