My app hit 30 users and aw man, every one we had to fight for. Feelsgoodtho

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    @sariel TY! I think the community we got is tight knit and fun to talk to. If we ever make it, I’m gonna miss just getting to know our users.
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    @lbfalvy Am I allowed to put links to projects I’ve done here?
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    @Burgundxyz Yes! The platform doesn't allow members with low scores to post links because they might be spam, but projects you've created are never spam on a dev forum unless you're cranking them out by the tens (in which case you should probably format it as a weekly collection out of common courtesy)
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    @lbfalvy Ahh! Here is our website: https://puddn.xyz

    It’s still v early days but what we do is we write career roadmaps so people who don’t come tech backgrounds (or people who wanna get better) know what skills they can learn to get better so they can get better prepared for a job / the next step of the careers.

    Another thing we do is in order to get people good, we find them suitable entry level projects which match the skills they’re looking to develop / interested in like open source stuff so they can connect, network and develop some kind of connection to real programmers while also contributing to the community.

    Feedback is always appreciated! I should warn - it’s not mobile optimised yet but I’m working on it this week.
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    @Burgundxyz okay first of all.. is that 25% number real? or did you make that up.

    Also im really not a fan of that kinda googly cooperative art style.. seems fake.

    The website feels responsive and modern though i like that very much!
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    @joewilliams007 It was real at the time ! We actually had start ups and organisations come in and distribute applications around our user base at the time. So I helped people prepare for the applications (even got a few calls and helped people write their resumes)

    Admittedly, the percentage is actually incorrect now with more than 30 people now so I feel that I need to change it to another metric which is a bit less flakey.

    As for the corporate style, yeah i don’t like it either. i’m all in for changing it but this was the easiest assets to find at the time lol
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    @Burgundxyz okay. Good luck!
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