Why google, why????

  • 31
    Are you living in Earth currently?
  • 11
    Us: *sings* we've got the whole world... In our hands! We've got the whole wide world... In our...

    Alphabet: NOPE!

    Us: Aww... 😢
  • 4
    You know there are shit load of ways that you can use it

    Go for orbot and use it's proxy to cover up all your traffic.
    *you should have good internet connection in order to use tor as proxy in your entire phone

    You can specify certain app to go through proxy and rest traffic should be as usual.
    >install tor
    >start proxy(choose country eg. Us)
    >proxy play store
    >clear play store's cache data
    >run play store and install google earth

    Do the same for google earth if not working
  • 13
    You can't fool us, North Korea. No Google Earth for you!
  • 1
    How about Installing the app from apkmirror?
  • 9
    Men are from Mars. Did you forget to leave?
  • 21
    You deserve this 😌
  • 1
  • 9
    Go drunk, you're home!!
  • 1
    Same thing in India. It was blocked by the Indian Government. Because they wanted to promote Indian imaging tools
  • 2
    @JS96 Spaces ftw

    (I hope you know that you can set your IDE to convert tabs to spaces automatically ? No Dev taps space-bar 4 times to indent)
  • 0
    Google: "It's not you.. It's your country" . Possibly
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