Is it me or Day Zeros are more popular nowadays. I feel all I do all day is fight vulnerabilities

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    It's always been like that, we just are getting to the point where there are now enough people to shine the flashlight on the roach infested corners floors upon which software is built.
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    @adhdeveloper I think it's more of, we have now trained the AI in SCA tools enough to see an impact.

    It's only going to get worse I'm afraid. The next decade will be written about as the darkest ages of software development.
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    It has been worse. Unauthenticated remote code executions are quite rare nowadays, and exploiting them is much harder than before.

    Back in the "good old days", patches were neither available (please wait for the floppy via mail or compile from the source), nor secure coding practises reduced the amount of vulnerabilities and not yet invented mitigations meant every bug could just be exploited reliably on many systems.

    On the other hand, systems nowadays are much more complex so more bugs are quite likely.
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    It will get better when people stop using unsafe languages where they aren't needed and also stop implementing remote code execution to allow for easier logging framework configuration...
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