  • 5
    I pay too much attention to every minute detail consuming loads of time like right now, that fly is gonna sit on your cup of coffee making it tasting it even more awesome/gross according to your taste preferences, eventually regretting because I guessed it wrong making me think of my consequences of making a bad impression from your side and stressing out a lot about my future within this company if at all that's the case
  • 0
    @g-m-f what...?
  • 1
    @g-m-f still don't get it but it isn't what I was thinking.
  • 1
    I spend all my time on devRant.
  • 0
    @cjhowald we're doing it right now. 😐
  • 1
    @A-0-C maybe it is to honest for an interview?
  • 0
    @cjhowald it is. They'd ask you to stay on devRant. 😅
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