
There are 3 incorrectly labeled fruit baskets (all 3 are incorrectly labeled). One basket has only ORANGES, another one has only APPLES, and the other has mixed ORANGES-APPLES. You can't see anything. You can only pull out 1 fruit from 1 of those baskets. With that, move each label to it's corresponding basket.

  • 8
    Get a fruit from the basket labeled ORANGE-APPLES:

    - if i get an orange, i switch the label ORANGE-APPLES with ORANGE and after i switch the label ORANGE-APPLES with APPLES
    - if i get an apple, i switch the label ORANGE-APPLES with APPLES and after i switch the label ORANGE-APPLES with ORANGE
  • 18
    I would go to the next fruit store, where I can actually see the labels.
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