
Brothers and sisters I have ascended

From my early chilidhood I was taught by my parents & society that I should put effort into doing things that I "MUST", be kind and polite to others

Tis' all bullshit; never lift a finger if you do not feel like it; never help people free of charge; if you dislike a particular undertaking then it is not worth even an ounce of effort.

We live in a society.

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    Aren't you a gem
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    "Never help people free of charge" - I mean no harm in helping those less fortunate if you are living comfortably, but sure... "never"
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    @tbjgolden I think as though they meant that "never" is not a MUST, too. Right, OP?
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    Well... In general the word must is pretty strong.

    I could quote Leviticus again (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you) - but I guess that is a waste of time nowadays where we're pretty close to an anarchic society.

    It's quite the opposite to what many people were taught I think - if they were taught at all.

    Society works nowadays in the "I take whatever the fuck I want way". Those few stubborn people who still want to help for non misguided reasons (e.g. fame in da internet, expecting of getting rewarded, the necessity to calm their morale consciousness...) have become pretty rare and silent.

    So yeah. Except for these few stubborn good people society can go straight to hell, be removed out of the gene pool, been taken out of the circle of being reborn or whatever tickles your fetish.

    The world would be really beautiful I think. Very few humans, but lovable ones.
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    Sounds terrible
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    Pretty sound advice considering we expire rather quickly and need to prioritize all the crap that comes out way.
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    @tbjgolden idk man, remember episode "Can you spare a dime?" from Spongebob?
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    bit toxic but ok..
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    Some lady in her 80s asked me to reach something off the shelf at a the grocery store:

    1. Yes I can reach that for you.


    2. Shut up old bag, don't talk to me bitch.


    3. Just shun her and pretend she doesn't exist.

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    @Demolishun Look, when you help her but there is no gratitude, as payment, from her it'll fell like theft of services
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