  • 0
    Makes sense if you need to distribute and deploy your app in many different environments
  • 6
    I love how much hate container tech gets, but the alternative is to run vms on my device for development?

    No thanks, never again.
  • 1
    @sariel I'm inclined to agree with your point. Having pieces of scripts scattered around the depths of VM, to provide a proper communication model - and this Frankenstein will be too rigid to ever touch it again.

    That, unless you are damn hero that can make such state-of-the-art system simple and documented enough for other administrators. This in turn requires one to be a Jack of All Trades.
  • 1
    I assume a sprinkle of AI is also on the menu?
  • 4

    Someone didn't make their homework.

    Docker isn't necessary.

    Containerization can take many forms.

    Kubernetes isn't necessary.

    Microservices aren't the only architecture pattern.

    E.g. podman can be used for systemd services on a regular system, has docker compose support nowadays and is rootless.

    You could even have an LXC container or utilize nspawn / systemd.

    I've seen this meme so often...

    IT must be really a cesspool of shit in many companies. Or devs dumb. Dunno.
  • 2
    @IntrusionCM ITSM is absolutely a shit show in the era of "the cloud".

    "But CT" I hear you thinking, "why must ITSM and 'the cloud' be so far apart as concepts and business value?"

    "GREAT QUESTION" I reply, as I pour myself another bourbon, "ask the "Business Leaders" and I'm sure you'll get eleventy-billion different answers. This is all their fault."
  • 0
    @ComputerToucher I mean they did call it IT sado maso for a reason...

    My thinking when I hear the words IT sado maso and cloud are: "Oh no, yet another shit show" by the way.

    Don't drink bourbon, get the good stuff.

    Praise the single malt and the good vodka.
  • 2
    @IntrusionCM "Don't drink bourbon, get the good stuff."

    And for a minute I thought you were cool 🤣
  • 1

    Naaaah. I'm never cool. But ai'll gladly let you enjoy your bourbon ;)
  • 1
    @IntrusionCM cheers you non-brown liquor drinking monster 😂🍻
  • 1
    Let’s ship your machine then /s

    The glorified tarball (images and containers) exists for a reason… VMing things was tried and for those who lived to see the results, it was a mess. Peace
  • 1
    @gcavalcante8808 best over an open, unsecured ftp via anonymous upload.

    Fuck everything.

  • 0
    @Flake I want to strangle you...

    Wait. The laundry hasn't been done, some socks might do the job.
  • 0
    @Flake Trolling about containerization is one thing, but for the love of god. Containerization cannot replace an OS.

    Entirely different things. Containerization is not a virtual machine ffs.

    Jase, that was a bad one.
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