Okay, we fucking get it guys, you wish that you'd get changelogs with every app update and they'd tell you everything and blah blah blah.
Fuck off
We're the only people who even check, it's not worth the effort. Unless a major feature was added or a well known bug was fixed, the "fixed bugs" is more than enough for the general public.

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    @kaqqao but he's right. If it's not a new feature or a critical fix that everyone was complaining about then detailing every change isn't necessary for the general public.

    Internally it should be documented with detail yes.

    But for the play store or the app store most ppl don't care enough to read the changelog anyway. It's ppl like us who read them or tech journalists, etc. If you detail your changes great, but if you also just use the generic "fixed bugs" for small bugs then that should be ok too.
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    @kaqqao actually I didnt think about auto generating changelogs. Ive learnt something today. Many thanks!
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