
Windows is like PHP of OS's, everyone is fucking hate it but everyone uses it.

  • 14
    That's not true.

    Windows is the best OS for the majority off the population (right now, all things considered).

    Linux distros are too busy masturbating in the corner.

    Apple wants to fuck you before first use.
  • 7
    Can't agree. I'm a Linux user since 1993 and also a Mac user since Mac OS X and Apple finally had a decent (BSD based) OS.

    Windows has a decent kernel and one of the better file systems in NTFS. It is let down by stupid decisions at a higher level that are now being addressed by the provision of things like Bash on Windows (WSL) that finally allow proper scripting rather than having to painfully navigate GUI options that change every single release.
  • 7
    I masturbate to PHP every day tho...
  • 0
    @FinlayDaG33k 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  • 6
    Be prepared for the people saying (insert OS) is better for everyone because it works for them. Or it's better because the majority uses it. Lol.

    I use Windows for gaming and Linux for everything else, doesn't work for everyone, but it works for me.
  • 2
    @martinoj2009 totally agree
  • 3
    @martinoj2009 ye same here... I use Linux here possible, and Windows where needed
  • 3
    I found this rant / thread surprisingly easy to masturbate to.
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