Manager: How's (insert dumbass task that they assigned literally 1 hour ago) going? 😊

Dev: We have JIRA for a reason, you'll see it will be moved to demo / review when it's ready.

Manager: ...

Dev: ...

  • 5
    The what ticket? and proceed talking about it for an hour.
    then explain that other ticket is delayed bc you had to explain about the new ticket for an hour. blame the manager subtle - "I had to delay the work bc ImpOrtanT ManaGer wanted to talk to me ABout New Ticket! It is really important TiCket!". Make sure to smile in a slightly deranged way.
    Rinse. Repeat.
  • 3
    Sometimes they are idiots. But sometimes even a good manager feels the need to do a quick check to see if there's been some early signs of trouble which need more resources to be resolved.

    I've seen new shy devs being assigned an issue and if you ask them early on it turns out they don't really know where to start and need some more introduction to a part of the tech stack.
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