Just got AWS free subscription, had fun for 30 mins. Now I don't know what to do with it. Can someone give me idea for something to do with it.

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    @53414a414e it's free for one year. But credit card needed
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    Debit card works also.
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    You should try lambda to build a microservices architecture
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    @raze but what would it do?
    I have a idea for website in which you can connect all your account (github, LinkedIn, stack overflow, etc.) and it will create your dev profile. And you can update everything from here, and will reflected in your all connected accounts.
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    What is the specs you get?
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    @treeroot Awesome, you could use Auth0 for authentication or a simple lamba fuction to create JWT tokens and some other functions to manage profiles for example. And DynamoDB for persistence or maybe RDS. Check out this article on building microservices, it can help.

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    Live online in-browser game?
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    Buy your own domain and set up a website and a mail server.
    You can also make your own VPN server, or use it for SSH-Tunneling.
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    @53414a414e try this - https://privacy.com/

    Makes you temp cards
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    Do whatever you want but not cpu intensive task since it is a burst type machine by default in your free tier. You have limited cpu credits that regenerates with time. Once you empty the bucket, the machine will be damn slow.

    Use as a server for webs, team speak, repos and so on.
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    @raze thanks for the tip. I will check it out.
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    Image: Amazon linux
    RAM: 1GB
    CPU: Intel Xeon e5-2676 2.4GHz

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    Any bandwith limit?
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    @Linux That I don't know. Could not find it on dashboard, have to look at docs.
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    @raulqf thanks for telling. So i went to stop the instance and accidentally terminated it.
    Will have to install everything again.
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    @Linux Yes, there is a bandwidth limit. Don't know how much data you get every month.
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