
I know devrant is not the place to ask this but I didn't know what else to do....I very often have doubts about weather I like programming or not even when I started learning programming 2 years ago...Does this imply that I don't really like it? Because I believe that if you really like something than you don't have doubts about it but am not sure if I am correct or not.

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    @thmnmlst thanks dude...
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    I guess I also think so because I am not as good as I need to be.
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    If you don't feel passionate about what you do then it's not for you.
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    Some coding tasks suck. I live for the opportunities to design stuff from the ground-up. My own little way of being god.
    Don't always get to play god, though. I put up with the crap in between god-moments because the act of creation is so awesome. Try to find what keeps you at the keyboard. If there's nothing, well there's nothing keeping you there. 👍
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    It's okay to have doubts. It just means you're looking at your options logically and not through rose-tinted glasses.
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    @RicardusRex Doubts are natural but not enjoying yourself is not.

    Welcome, by the way!
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    @nblackburn depends if it's just one or two aspects that OP does not enjoy or the whole thing. If it's the latter then it's pretty normal.
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    @pal3117 its when you doubt about something that you know you care about it, my advice is to chill, maybe you haven't found a project that set your brain on fire yet, it can take some time trust me I know but when it's here and you see yourself making progress and the pieces come together, you'll feel awesome
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