
Why are JavaScript coders called engineers (ie front end engineers, node engineers) but dotnet and Java are called developers?

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  • 9
    frame challenge: _are they_? i've never heard the term "front end engineer" being used. only "front end developer".
  • 14
    @drzueso You don't need to bump.

    And you shouldn't...

    Job titles in IT are fictional... They usually don't convey meaning.
  • 6
    ... since it requires an engineer to figure the burning pile of shit AKA npm.
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    "Engineer" is the broader term, "developer" is the more specific one. I've seen both used interchangeably in IT.
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    * why art thou
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    Because of greedy humans.
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    I'll agree with @tosensei, I've never seen the word engineer even close to web dev
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    @TheCommoner282 Studying something (or even having a degree) doesn't guarantee anything. I still remember a second or third year CS student from my university asking what's OOP.
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    @TheCommoner282 People that repair boilers are normally not engineers.
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    It doesn't matter. Our language is full of dumb terms just because they make people feel better. Just like it makes people feel better to hear "differently abled" instead of "cripple", it makes them feel better to be called "engineers" instead of "developers".

    And don't get me started on the vague use of the term "expert". If you have enough knowledge about some particular thing, you're suddenly an "expert" about it. So now we have a bunch of "experts" arguing over things that could easily be proven or disproven, because none of those "experts" is capable of carrying out their own scientific research.
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    @IntrusionCM The only meaning the title carries is how much the company can fuck you and get away with it
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    In many countries the title Engineer is bound to personal certifications and workplace certifications alike. In these countries a software engineer is a very specific category, someone who has a government-approved engineering certificate in software, and an engineering firm is a company which follows specific guidelines and exclusively employs engineers in positions of responsibility regarding their product.
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    @tosensei yeah it's literally all over my LinkedIn feed. And also seek job ads (Australian job board)
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    here we only call engineer the ones that have a degree with the title of engineer (civil engineer, computer engineer, electric engineer etc). those degrees have a ton of calculus and physics as a base, so they get a little more prestige. it's a stupid convention tho, you can not be a certified engineer and still be very knowledgeable
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    There we go, for people that never seen this
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