
I’ve just discover that some dudes in my previous work have puts whole web pages inside Redis.

mfw when Infra cost goes brrrrrrrrrr

  • 1
    Depends on the size of the webpage.
  • 2
    @IntrusionCM too big… 😂
  • 1
    redis noob here, does it really chomp so much computational cost?
  • 5
    @fullstackchris problem is that you're countering redis strength.

    The larger the objects in a Redis - or in general memory database - the longer the transmission time.

    The longer the transmission time, the more connections you'll have.

    Resource usage, especially memory (for both the objects and e.g. network like above) increases.

    It doesn't have to be "bad" if you think small - but the more concurrent connections / requests in parallel, the less the strength of fast speed due to memory usage can be played with large objects.

    TLDR: You cripple the benefit of fast memory access if the request following the fast memory access takes a long time.
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