Monday morning: The last straw.

After talking about in a previous rant about how my client wants to fix bugs that keeps popping out after bug fix.

Today I discovered, that all C-levels, worked all Saturday to "fix my code" because it "didn't work" and we "needed bug fixes not pretty things".

The app version I was working on for the last week is gone. Without mentioning that their "CTO" wrote a fucking crappy code to disable features that I added, breaking the build step.

This shit is enough for me, I'm done!

  • 1
    Understandable, but why are you not using git or any other scm tool?
  • 3
    @flask we are. They deleted my remote branches. I still have them on my machine but the code will never see the sunlight
  • 1
    Wow deleting code without warning... thats like childish levels of toxicity... I would sprint, not run, away from that place
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