
I'm doing my Postgrad in I.T with a specialty in Application development. I've honestly lost interest in software development. I no longer have that *thing* I used to have, I've honestly completely lost interest. I decided to accept I really nice paying Technical Support Analyst position. It's very close to my house and I can work from home.

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    Good for you dude!

    I've seen too many people force themselves into the field for the wrong reasons. They suck the passion and drive out of those around them.

    It's ok to be a dev as a side gig, but never settle when it comes to your mental health and happiness.

    Good luck!
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    hold up, sounds to me that it is the academic side of things which are making you hate it, have you worked on the industry before? I can be pretty fucking sucky (hence the reason for this website tbh) but some places can be very nice and some devs can be worth knowing.

    School sucks homie, that ain't your fault tho
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    @sariel I definitely wouldn't want to do that to anyone. It's actually very easy rubbing off negativity to other people and that's no good for anyone.

    @AleCx04 that could probably be a reason, I have about 3 years of industry experience. I've spent a lot of my years in academia though than in the industry.
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    @Banele then do not give up man! don't let shitty school institutions ruin it for you! no go on out there and finish that degree and move on to build great things you magnificent basterd you
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