
400 Nerf bullets just arrived... Office is gonna become a war zone...

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    @Jilano nah... don't think, we just shoot each other and go back to work... gotta buy some more guns though, we have only 3, the 4th got broken...
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    @Jilano but I might put some up ;-)
  • 8
  • 4
    One for each - Now tell me who's gonna mix tabs and spaces?
  • 8
    it's on... fuckers!
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    @Jilano lol! It's too early in the morning for them... But we've had a little skirmish already :)
  • 8
    @nocgod I have that Nerf gun too!!
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    @dfox nerf bro!
    We have another gun somewhere and a currently broken shotgun :-) (some one over zealously double loaded it)
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    @Jilano that would be awesome :)
  • 5
    My nerf, pair programming buddy!
  • 0
    @Jilano from bitter experience you are correct.
    But the toy was preventing the hunt on my mouse, so I let her have it :D
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    Life is about choices
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    @DarthVader when Darth Vader ++s your rant - you know you've been a bad boy!
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    @nocgod I am always with the dark side :)
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    Band of Coders. The next HBO hit show
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    @DarthVader Well @nocgod seems to be using Windows as an OS for development, so he completely deserves a bunch of foam bullets against the back of his head of course.
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