
Sorry in advance if we are not supposed to ask questions but: in your opinion, what's the best IDE for Linux? Other than Netbeans

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    welcome to devRant!
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    @devRandom welcome to you too!
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    @devRandom it's for general use (at least for now). Java, HTML and PHP and JavaScript. C# too if possible (although I heard Microsoft owns C#?)
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    Well anything but netbeans.

    I use eclipse, vs code (what is not an ide, its a texteditor), codeblocks
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    Well I use JetBrains IDEs for almost everything, java, c#, js, php, etc etc,
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    @Linux of course the guy called @linux uses vim. :D btw - try vs code with vim bindings. It's 😍
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    - JetBrains IDEs rule (PyCharm, CLion, WebStorm, IntelliJ...)
    - Some newer text editors are worth checking out (VS Code, Sublime)
    - Qt Creator is great for writing Qt apps. It's not bad for C±+ in general.
    - Eclipse-based IDEs are definitely not my favorites, but they exist. Eclipse is Java, but there's also Eclipse CDT for C/C++ and so forth.
    - CodeLite and Code::Blocks are another two C++ IDEs.
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    Make your own IDE with NeoVim (or Vim and Emacs) is pretty cool and worth it :D
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    IntelliJ. Thank me later.
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    us gEdit, be happy. :P
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    @srivmanu I was a fan of Gedit before because it has a surprising array of plugins that are useful. Alas the GNOME 3 window borders really killed it for me, especially since I stopped using GNOME 3.
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