
How many years experience as a dev do you need to feel like the cool hacker guy in the movies instead of a blind monkey trying to play the violin for the first time?

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    Cool hacker guys are a Myth
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    You gain more confidence after a year or two. But the imposter syndrome never fully goes away.
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    You can choose to feel like that even when you don't know anything yet
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    I have 25+ years in dev. Will let you know.
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    Ok. Well i guess i can find some comfort in the fact that i atleast looked like the basement hacker guy a year ago.

    But then i met this girl who forced me to start working out, cut my hair, buy new clothes and take daily showers.

    Now i feel more like an imposter than ever before!
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    Problem is, the more experienced you become, the more you realize experience is not the deciding factor...
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    @hamido-san the real problem is, the more we try to know, the more we realise there is more we don't know or can't ever know
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    The key is learning not to give a shit. That’s a revelation. Everything is suddenly less stressful…for you, at least.
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