Oh boy, the startup managers are writing a roadmap today. Can't wait.

5 mIlLiOn DaIlY aCtIvE uSeRs By EnD oF Q1! (2022!!!)

1 MiLlIoN dAiLy ReVeNuE bY tOmOrRoW!

zErO bUgS aNd KnOwN iSsUeS iN sYsTeM bY 5Pm ToDaY!

tHoUsAnDs Of NeW cUsToMeRs WiThIn ThE nExT hOuR!

  • 12
    People who start startups are usually very bright indeed. But they have to fool the fools who fund them from time to time. Miserable.
  • 7
    Forgot to add that they count on a couple million USD from Santa Claus and a boatload of resale-worthy chocolate from the Easter bunny... Also, they are burying a ton of "plant-based teeth" under thousands of pillows to get that tooth fairy seed capital.
    It's a more realistic business plan.
  • 7
    That sounds manageable and don’t forget the 4 hour meeting for how to get this done 😂
  • 12
    @amenabe and afterwards the 6 hour meeting to find out why there's no progress
  • 2
    Dozens of employee terminations by tomorrow!
  • 0
    Lol made my morning
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