Hello Programmers and Designers! Stop assuming everyone in the development environment uses MacBook or Apple products. I Love my Windows and Android devices!!!

  • 14
    Agreed. If I wanted a unix environment, is use Linux
  • 3
    Same here
  • 22
    Stop making assumptions based on an assumption and use whatever you want.
  • 4
    @helloworld I ain't assuming. Go to most Web development websites or blogs. Apple products are being splashed on our faces as if it's the only product being used out there. Even wireframes, templates, etc. comes mostly on Apple products.
  • 8
    I like cake. I am going to go create a rant so everyone knows that I like cake!
  • 4
    You guys need to setup your Ubuntu subsystem in Windows 10 and join the unix-like party instead of alienating yourselves
  • 2
    Linux is life! 🤓
  • 2
    I've never heard this assumption. Anywhere I've worked, Apple users were in the minority. My assumption would be that only designers and iOS developers use Apple, not the rest of us.
  • 2
    @kudamalam and be forced to update Windows whenever Microsoft decides I need to? No thanks. Windows lives in Linux, not the other way around.
  • 1
    Am I the only one prefering working on Windows (since Windows 10). I did prefered Linux during studies and never understood this OSX choice for dev
  • 3
    In this thread: Casuals
  • 3
    @GigabyteDX absolutely. I've tried windows and mac and personally for development mac shits all over windows. Everything works so much more naturally, I don't really understand the reasoning behind using windows.

    I would be interested to hear some though? And something more intelligent than "because it's better"
  • 2
    @starless i use Linux too, 100%, my comment was for people who stuck with Windows because of their job.
  • 2
    @Greggergalactic why don't you just use Linux then?
  • 2
    @starless Don't know why everyone is scared of updates. Windows informs you when it is ready to update and you can skip it till when necessary.
  • 2
    @doz87 I haven't had any issues working on Windows environment either on programming or designs. GitHub, Python, Photoshop, Illustrator, Java, Jetbrains apps, Ruby, PHP, etc. works flawlessly on it. Windows 10 even makes it easier.

    I'd rather go Linux instead of Mac. Though, each to their own.
  • 2
    @Joberror yeah I hear ya. I just love my macs, never skip a beat. Just love the reliability.
  • 0
    Did you forget about linux?
  • 0
    @Greggergalactic that is now available built into windows 10
  • 2
    Let me just throw a little gas on this Flame lol

    Linux > Mac > Windows

    Literally every single time I've updated xcode I've had to spend an hour finding depencies they've moved around 😒

    Disclaimer: never used Windows 10 for dev cuz Windows 7, but cmd prompt is pretty worthless
  • 3
    @Joberror you can't, though. If you turn on your computer, it will sometimes automatically start the update, which can take half an hour or longer and can't be postponed.
  • 0
    @starless That's false. Windows 10 updates downloads on the background (The only thing you have no control over) but you can decide not to let it update asap by postponing it.

    Another tweak to avoid the update installation is by Hibernating your system because it has been made to install during restart or shut down.

    The only time updates takes 15-20 mins was when a major update was rolled out. I guessed last December or so.

    I still don't see why you wouldn't want to update your OS though!
  • 2
    @Joberror as much as I love strangers on the Internet assuring me that the time my laptop immediately installed downloaded Windows updates upon startup is a lie, I'm afraid I don't agree.

    Someone might not want to update their OS because they have work to do over the next few days. Since updates can break crucial functionality, if you're on a deadline, it's best to avoid them until your project is finished in a few days.
  • 1
    @starless haha absolutely. My philosophy is if it ain't broke, why update.
  • 0
    @starless Please, read through my reply.
    You can postpone the installation by Hibernating your system instead of shutting down or restarting if you know you don't want any interruption in between your project except you're the type that have to restart all the time.

    Updates has helped solved and corrected a lot of issues being faced with.

    I can't force you to accept but there has been a lot of unnecessary bitching about windows update up to a point you'd ask if many of them are really using it.
  • 0
    @doz87 Most of these updates are just security updates. So I don't see how that will break the functionality of your project or whatsoever.
  • 1
    @Joberror I really don't care what the update is to be honest. If my os is working in its current version I see no reason to update.
  • 0
    @doz87 Stop bitching or complaining about what you don't use. I believed every OS has its ups and downs. If not, everyone will just stick to one. I can give you enough reasons why I am not a MacOS fan but I see no reason for that.

    Maybe Microsoft is wrong about the approach to the windows updates but at least, it's never wrong to roll out an update once they see fit.
  • 2
    @Joberror uhhh I'm not bitching. And I use both mac and windows. Maybe come down from your high perch there mate your acting like a tool
  • 1
    Microsoft got Windows 10 right. 'Nuff said.
  • 1
    When you cant learn apple operating system in the 12 hours you had to use it so you rant about it being shit
  • 0
    @dontbeevil will you please just shut up. So sick of hearing this juvenile shit.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil only amateur developers prefer windows over mac or linux
  • 1
    @dontbeevil I wasn't saying you were a juvenile shit. I was trying to say this whole conversation is and I see it constantly on SO and now devRant.
    Its so childish, especially when people start talking about fan boys. Seriously, if you want to discuss something that is slightly relevant, go for it. No one gives a fuck if you use mac, Linux or windows.

    Honestly I use each and every one of them and they each have their uses and strengths. Anyone who dismisses any one of them is ignorant
  • 2
    I use a laptop with Ubuntu and I have an Android, I'm not changing out of either of them and saying that doesn't mean I HATE Apple and Microsoft, but I prefer the things I use.
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