Where can I find cheap or free mobile app ux/ui designs? I wanna build a note taking app but Im bad at design. I want to find some decent ux/ui design template so I could just jump in and start implementing

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    So first a backend framework in php/MySQL now a ui template 🤨


    Are you building any of this yourself?
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    @C0D4 Im android developer, not backender or designer. Most of my colleagues see design only as an asset folder or backend only as a list of endpoints. If you ask me Im already going too deep while playing around with backend and sketches. I wanna focus on building apps with proper readable and testable architecture... Anyways thank you for the link!
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    @zemaitis just use firebase, and the sample app from google.
    No need to implement anything by yourself.
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    @magicMirror Firebase gives you a separate library to communicate with database. So you wont learn how to properly integrate a standard rest api with for example retrofit. In real life most companies will have their own rest apis so firebase experience is kinda useless. Yes its useful because you can do complicated things with a few lines, but any decent company has their own backend.
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    Mit app inventor.... It's what I use :p
    Only problem is a lack of sql databases, but you can buy a sql module if you really want a real database.
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