Estimate for writing a custom WordPress plugin:

1 hour - Learn the API the plugin will support
1 hour - Review how plugins are written
60 hours - Set up XAMPP only to find that the version with PHP 7 no longer supports MySQL but something called MariaDB which my host doesn't support and then uninstall XAMPP and install MAMP only to get really frustrated setting it up and beat myself for not just buying that $99 Windows Pro upgrade so I can install Kalabox with HyperV which is much easier than all of this and why doesn't Kalabox have a way of supporting Windows Home because not everyone buys Windows Pro or can afford a Mac or has time to screw around with 100 possible Linux distros to figure out which one will work best and then buy gasoline and matches and set it on fire and watch it all buuuuuuurn such pretty fire.

  • 1
    Php does support mysql. The function tags vhanged to myslqi not mysql
  • 0
    What?!! I run a live wordpress site with PHP 7 and MySQL!!
  • 1
    To clarify, it's only XAMPP, the free local machine web server setup software that no longer has MySQL installed. Other local machine web server setup software like WAMP and MAMP still support it.
  • 4
    MariaDB and MySQL are binary compatible. Whatever query, statement or even binary log you throw at one is supported by the other. So you can safely setup a dev environment with MariaDB and a prod environment with MySQL.
  • 1
    @paulwillyjean probably, but that wasn't immediately obvious to me as I'd never had experience with MariaDB. And my particular hosting environment is VERY opinionated about DB setup and prefers InnoDB queries. I'll have to test it when I have time to "play".
  • 0
    That means you should've switched to gnu/linux a looooong time ago.
    Been using it for a while. Linux for work, Windows for games.
    I reccomend OpenSUSE (Leap for stability), or Fedora. Both easy to install.
    OpenSUSE works with most web-development enviroment tools out of the box.
  • 0
    You could use PHPs internal server am not too sure how it would handle something convoluted as WordPress or use WAMP probably the easiest of the Windows PHP MySQL stack
  • 0
    Why not just setup a debian vm?
    Takes 20mins, a cup of coffee and 1gb ram.
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