Ubuntu's default desktop environment will be Gnome from version 18.04. They will finally abandon bloated unity.

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    The only sad thing about this news is, there is no global file menu in Gnome desktop.
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    @orkhanfarmanli What do you mean with global file menu?
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    @deadlyRants the file menu (file, edit, view, etc.) of app windows which hides on the top bar and appears only when you hover over them.
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    @orkhanfarmanli Oh, that one. I'm glad Gnome doesn't have it.
    Although what I don't like about Gnome is the stupid little menu in the bottom left corner.
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    I haven't used gnome a lot, but I think you can disable it. I love the global menu thing, hope there appears a way to make it happen. It makes the window design so simple and minimalistic.
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    I find gnome okay, but I don't understand how you can make a desktop environment that's so little customizable ! Seriously, you can't even order icons in the panel, it's out-of-the-box or nothing :/
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    is it for april fools or something??? 😕😟
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    Source: Growing Ubuntu for Cloud and IoT, Rather Than Phone and Convergence - https://insights.ubuntu.com/2017/...
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    Hopefully Canonical's devs bring some sanity to the GNOME project. The stupid little tray menu, disabled min/maximize buttons, their sorry attempt at a global menu, alt+tab menu, etc. really turn users away at the moment.
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