this image is fully authentic image of me as a single developer in a startup. All the used technologies in a single project.

  • 11
    dude i feel you... in the same exact boat and the ceos dont know shit about tech. "how can we be faster????"
  • 7
    Let me fix that image for you.
  • 3
    Huh, startup? So you call every company a startup?
  • 6
    Just use the joke/meme tap button. That allows category filtering, manually adding the tag doesn't.
  • 2
    Not an awful stack though, looks like fun!
  • 1
    Yup fill 5 roles and be expected to deliver >= 7 (:
  • 2
    @lotd you can drop the or equal to from that expression
  • 0
  • 3
    An ideal stack if you are a one-man startup
  • 1
  • 1
    I will take that over having to file a ticket and waiting for 2 weeks any time I want single command ran on prod server because that can be done only by guy with "administrator" in job title.
  • 1
    That's how much technology you need to know to get a job as a junior developer in 2022.) The only thing missing is 3-5 years of development experience.)
  • 0
    Daddy, we have nothing to eat. It's okay, son, but I work in a friendly team and on an interesting project.
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